Monday, June 28, 2010

Done and Left Undone

Yellow fever immunization: check.
Malaria pills: check.
Tanzania Visa: check.
Insect repellent: check.
Long skirts: check.

As I left Los Angeles this morning, I was pleased that everything on my list had been scratched out. I was even more pleased that everything I felt I needed fit in a single duffel, as typically I am not the most efficient packer.

I have to say, the lack of sleep last night was more due to list-making than pondering, more planning than wondering. As a teacher, I am all about efficiency, organization, and plans. Having never been to Tanzania, or any part of Africa for that matter, there were many preparations necessary for this trip.

En route to Tanzania, we are now in New York, where the warm welcome and hospitality here at Maryknoll has allowed me the time and space to step back from the logistical plans. There is still room in my duffel but plenty of room in my heart as well--space to be filled by God's plans, the members of our group, the people of Tanzania. I have no idea what the coming days hold, and although my own list is already crossed-off, the journey is still unwritten.

Cool runnings. Peace be the journey.


  1. Congrats again...have a safe and wonderful trip

  2. Hi Ms. Dzida!!! Hope you have a secure and moving journey! :)

  3. You're on your way! Bogu hvala!! XXOOXX

