Monday, July 12, 2010

The 53 Most Memorable Quotes

The main purpose of this blog is to help share our experience with those back home. However, for this post, the purpose is the exact opposite. The quotes of this blog post are all inside jokes between the six of us: Katherine, Francisco, Karen, Father Dennis, Brother Mark, and myself. This blog post is meant to celebrate the 53 funniest and most memorable quotes of Explore my Mission 2010. Enjoy.

  1. "Gimme that one"
  2. "Oh yeah, that's nice"
  3. "I wanna see a cheetah"
  4. "What part of a chicken is this?"
  5. "We have beautiful beaches in Venezuela."
  6. "I will come to America and search for you"
  7. "I know she lives in America, but was she born in Tanzania?"
  8. "The diarrhea was like a cleansing...............I'm trying to eat over here!"
  9. "I have a question specifically for him (Francisco), 'How would you counsel an HIV couple when one partner is negative"
  10. "Please come meet my family"
  11. "Once I finish school and become a doctor, I plan to return and work in Tanzania"
  12. "I never thought I would hear a priest say that"
  13. "I would ask you how you slept Daniel, but it would just make me jealous"
  14. "The lion licking her neck was just some foreplay"
  15. "What time would you like to go to bed Karen?............Was that an invitation?!?"
  16. "Is that a chicken? Or is it a duck? Or is it a chicken-duck?"
  17. "Everyone ready? Well even if you're not I'm taking the photo...."
  18. "Alright everybody, Let's go"
  19. "If you don't worry about it, then it won't happen to you."
  20. "My mechanism doesn't work 100% of the time"
  21. "Bats don't bite, unless they have rabies"
  22. "Just pick a damn jam!"
  23. "All I see is three candles.... I'm taking the photo anyway"
  24. "Where are the hamburgers? Oh! Here they are. They're still in the freezer!"
  25. "Eat those hot dogs, because they'll keep on coming back until we do"
  26. "Daniel! You forgot to say last card again!!"
  27. "Do you concur?...... Indeed"
  28. "Can we put a picture of your hair on the blog?.......... If you want a good rest of the trip then you won't"
  29. "- Look there's a lion over there! ............... - No, that's just a tree.......... - No it's not! That's a lion!.............. - Trust me, I'm using the binoculars. It's just a tree."
  30. "I can't believe I saw a priest use an I-Phone for Mass"
  31. "You have a car, Katherine? How did you get a car?"
  32. "I want to go to Canada, because of the way it sounds: Ca-na-da"
  33. "I will always associate the Serengeti with Lebron James choosing Miami over Chicago"
  34. "African massage"
  35. "Where is....... Wazu?"
  36. "I saw Katherine was sleeping, and I tried really hard not start laughing. Then I saw Father Dennis was asleep too, and I could no longer control the laughter. I thought to myself, 'Wow. Karen and Francisco must hate the three of us. While they are filming us, two of us are sleeping, and one can't stop giggling"
  37. "The real reason is because: You're in Africa"
  38. "I even miss those oddly shaped pillows at CPE"
  39. "I asked him what the score of the soccer game was, but he didn't speak English, and he thought I wanted to take his radio"
  40. "I am going to post the most epic blog tonight guys..."
  41. "There's an awful lot of Spanish being spoken on this trip"
  42. "Here kitty kitty (while looking for a cheetah)"
  43. "Katherine, I can't believe the two of us are watching the World Cup final, in Africa, in a room with 50 nuns and priests, passing our alcohol around"
  44. "I've never shaken so many hands as I did after church today"
  45. "Daniel! Look at Father Dennis's left ear! I think it's pierced!"
  46. "Well Daniel, it looks like we're both locked out of our rooms"
  47. "Francisco and I would like to invite everyone to the party tonight at the Rhino rooms"
  48. "Are these beers frozen?"
  49. "Daniel is going to go through withdrawals back home without that tea"
  50. "Wait, you mean that everyone had a TV in their room except for me!"
  51. "Did you just put mayonnaise on that hot dog? In Chicago, that's sacrilegious!"
  52. "Karen! Get out of the photo!........... okay, now you can go back Karen"

And finally.....

53. "Once Africa is in your blood, you always come back"

I would like to thank the five of you for a wonderful trip. May God bless all of you in your future journeys, and may we one day meet again.

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