Sunday, July 4, 2010

Karibuni Sana!

"Karibuni Sana" are the words that we have been hearing over and over again here in Tanzania! Karibuni Sana means Welcome to you all! The hospitality we have been experiencing from the Tanzanian people is amazing! We have only been here a couple of days and already feel so much at home.
Yesterday we visited with a Youth Group from Mabatini Parish where Maryknoll Father Jim Eble is pastor and Maryknoll Brother Mark Huntington works with a variety of pastoral activities including community health. We met with ten youth from the parish and had the opportunity to dialogue with them about life as a youth in Tanzania and in the U.S.A. I was moved by the depth of the conversation and how honest it was.
Later in the day we did visits to the sick in their homes. Over and over I saw how people's faith sustained them in the face of so much overwhelming adversity. One 84 year old woman began to dance as we left and cried out that having visitors was such a blessing. She said the visit renewed her. I can say for me that I surely felt renewed after that encounter!

1 comment:

  1. It was great to read your blog and your adventure in Tanzania with Katherine and Daniel. I tried to send on a comment but, after an hour trying to figure it out, I gave up. I had wanted to go to Tanzania when I was ordained, but was sent to Korea instead. I loved my experience in Korea but always dreamed of going to Tanzania. Reading the blog helps me feel like I'm experiencing what you guys are. My best to all of you!
    - Sent via e-mail from Maryknoll Father Martin Lowery
