Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tumsifu Yesu Kristu!

"Tumsifu Yesu Kristu!" is the greeting used by Catholics as they meet one another. It means Let us praise Jesus Christ! The response is Mi Lele Amina! Let it be forever and ever Amen! Today we participated at Sunday Mass with the community at Mabatini Parish. The liturgy was a three hour long extravaganza! Liturgy here is truly a celebration! The Mass was sung and danced with exuberance and enthusiasm! I felt renewed and refreshed! After Mass I think we were literally greeted by nearly everyone in the parish rushing to shake our hands and welcome us and thank us for coming. The church was bursting at the seams! No wonder with such wondeful welcome and hospitality. The Gospel that was proclaimed from St. Luke is where Jesus exhorted his disciples to go out two by two and to shake the dust from their feet of any community where they were not received with hospitality. We shook no dust off of our feet from Mabatini Parish.

This afternoon we had the privilege to meet with a group of thirteen young men who were struggling with drug addiction and had the deep desire to overcome this slavery in their life. They had three very important qualities that I think will ensure a good start in their recovery. First, they knew they had a problem and they were seeking help. Second, they weren't trying to do it alone. They were gathering together as a group in support of one another. Thirdly, they were reaching out trying to help others struggling with the same problem. If they can get their Higher Power in the equation, I think they will be well on their way to recovery.

Happy Birthday U.S. A. Tumsifu Yesu Kristu!

1 comment:

  1. Alcoholics Anonymous celebrated its 75th anniversary this weekend. Men & women from over 80 countries attended the convention in the U.S.

    Members of this Spiritual Fellowship came from each of the seven continents.

    For example, several African countries were represented and a few cities from Russia.

    Hopefully more sober members will be at the next international convention.

    Many of us attended mass, as the church was located right in downtown San Antonio, the host city.

    I need and want the 12 step fellowship every day and mass 1 or two times per week.

    God bless the sober members described by the Maryknoll Fathers & brothers.

    Are these men recovering from drugs & alcohol?

    Thank you for the article.

    John Doe
